View Order Detail

======== ORDER k10198 ==========
order_id : k10198
product_id_1 : 2910
order_qnty_1 : 250
comment1 : NB: This is a gift. Please send only the product to Maria Esther Barrios Borges. On the envelope please write "Buttons" for the Customs Declaration. This is very important!
product_id_2 :
order_qnty_2 :0
comment2 :
product_id_3 :
order_qnty_3 : 0
comment3 :
product_id_4 :
order_qnty_4 : 0
comment4 :
customer_name : Maria Esther Barrios Borges
customer_address : Avda. El Mayorazgo de Franchy, No. 28. Portal 1. Piso 1-IZQ
customer_city : La Orotava ,Santa Cruz de Tenerife
customer_state : Santa Cruz de Tenerife
customer_zip_code : 38300
customer_country : Spain
shipping_id : 50
order_create_by : viboonchu
order_server_status : success
order_create_date_time: 2022-05-30 09:27:34
======== ORDER k10198 ==========
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